Sunday, May 27, 2012


Bonjour :)

Un petit croquis tout récent, j'en ai presque une vingtaine dans le genre mais je dois faire un peu le tri et les reprendre au propre, je pense qu'il y en a au moins la moitié qui finiront en illustrations soit sur ordinateur soit en peinture ou aquarelle. Je ne fais pas encore lesquels mais je vous montre un petit aperçu de celui que j'aime particulièrement, nommé "Florale"

Je vous montrerai l'avancement de cette toile car je suis quasi sûre que ce sera une peinture.

à bientôt ! ^^


Hi guys !

Here's a little sketch i did a few  days ago, i have in stock around 20 sketches but i need to organized them and work again on a few. I think there will be around 10 that will become finished artworks, probably paintings and CG works  too.
So i'm showing one of my favorite sketch i did, i called this work "Florale" which in french means "Flowerely" or something like that lol ! i'm not sure ^^

I will show you the WIP for this project, i'm pretty sure it will be a painting !

See you soon

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Question ! :)

HI !

So here's a new question for all of you guys ! i have a story, characters and i started to draw it, this will be a homemade manga in COLOR, yes, colors, i don't like black and white. It's like Benjamin "Remember" or "Orange" So, would you like to buy it if the story is nice ?

Please, answer to this question in the comments or on the latest poll on my FB page here :

Facebook Page

Thanks ! :)