Monday, October 22, 2012

The Swing Of Dreams



ça fait un moment que j'ai pas posté et là c'est pour une très bonne raison : 
J'ai BESOIN de vous ! je participe au concours GANUTA dans la catégorie illustration.
Seuls les 50 participations les plus "likées" auront la chance de participer à l'étape suivante et d'être soumis aux jury de professi
onnel du milieu
Mon avenir professionnel peut changer du tout au tout si je passe cette première étape et cela dépends entièrement des votes des internautes ! :)
J'ai déjà 141 votes mais les places sont chères ! actuellement étant 46ème, il suffit de quelques votes pour qu'on me prenne la place que je finisse en dessous de la 50eme !
Avec vos votes à tous (je pense surtout à ceux qui suivent mon blog) je suis assurée à 100% d'être sélectionnée !

Vous pouvez voter autant de fois que vous le souhaitez pour peu que vous renseignez une adresse mail différente et valide.
Les prix sont prestigieux (notamment un voyage à New York) alors j'espère vraiment que vous serez présents et que vous pourrez en parler à tous vos amis pour qu'ils votent aussi :)

Ce concours peut vraiment changer ma vie, je compte sur vous !
Vous pouvez voter jusqu'à mardi 23 octobre mais n'attendez pas, votez tout de suite ^^

HI everyone !! I NEED you now ! I'm entering the GANUTA contest in the illustration section.
Only the most 50 liked entries will have the chance to go to the next step and be judge by profesionnal people
My entire carreer depends on this contest, this could change my life and I REALLY hope you will ALL help me to change it ! I'm right now at n°46 on 50, so this means i'm for now, sure to pass the first round but the votes can change very quickly so if u ALL vote for me, i will be SURE to win the first step :D
I'm thinking of the 22 members of this blog, i really hope u can vote for me ^^
To vote u just have to go this link and click "vote" then fill the gaps and vote ! u can do it as many times as u like if u use a different mail adress as long as it's a real one.
You can vote from now to 23th octobre, 11.59 pm :) (french time)

Im countin on you !!!! :)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Copic Drawings !

Hey guys :D

Here are some of my copics illustrations, done with copic markers of course !
I will make more soon, these are pretty old
Click on the first pic to see the slideshow with a bigger size :)

hope u like them

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Bonjour :)

Un petit croquis tout récent, j'en ai presque une vingtaine dans le genre mais je dois faire un peu le tri et les reprendre au propre, je pense qu'il y en a au moins la moitié qui finiront en illustrations soit sur ordinateur soit en peinture ou aquarelle. Je ne fais pas encore lesquels mais je vous montre un petit aperçu de celui que j'aime particulièrement, nommé "Florale"

Je vous montrerai l'avancement de cette toile car je suis quasi sûre que ce sera une peinture.

à bientôt ! ^^


Hi guys !

Here's a little sketch i did a few  days ago, i have in stock around 20 sketches but i need to organized them and work again on a few. I think there will be around 10 that will become finished artworks, probably paintings and CG works  too.
So i'm showing one of my favorite sketch i did, i called this work "Florale" which in french means "Flowerely" or something like that lol ! i'm not sure ^^

I will show you the WIP for this project, i'm pretty sure it will be a painting !

See you soon

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Question ! :)

HI !

So here's a new question for all of you guys ! i have a story, characters and i started to draw it, this will be a homemade manga in COLOR, yes, colors, i don't like black and white. It's like Benjamin "Remember" or "Orange" So, would you like to buy it if the story is nice ?

Please, answer to this question in the comments or on the latest poll on my FB page here :

Facebook Page

Thanks ! :)

Monday, April 30, 2012


Hey ! :)

Je travaille sur un nouveau design pour le blog donc ne paniquez pas si vous voyez des bugs, des trucs bizarres ou des croquis en guise de décor qui change toutes les 10 mins, c'est parfaitement normal ^^

A plus !

 I'm working on a new layout for my blog so don't freak out if you find weird things or WIP on the design, changing every 10 minutes lol ! it's perfectly normal ^^ 

See ya !

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Bonjour !! Quelques petits croquis travaillés ces 2 dernières semaines Encore des filles ... les prochains, je me lance sur les gars ! faut prendre des risques ^^  

Hi guys ! Here's some new sketches i done this past 2 weeks ! Girls, again .... but next, i'll have a go on guys ! let's take some risks ^^

Monday, April 16, 2012

Youtube Channel

Bonjour !

Je vous invite à parcourir ma chaine youtube par ici :
Here's my youtube channel:

J'y expose des vidéos de type "pas à pas" ou des petits tutoriels. Vous pouvez regarder comment se construit mes illustrations sur ordinateur ou sur papier.
There's Step by step videos of my illustrations and some tutorials and tips, you could watch me doing my computer artworks or on paper with copic markers.

Voici un exemple / Here's a little example :

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Bonjour !

Ce blog à pour but de montrer mon travail d'illustratrice/peintre/graphiste au jour le jour selon mes travaux soit finis soit en cours. Actuellement je suis en stage en graphisme et illustration à, Clermont ferrand pour 6 mois. En parallèle je continue de créer pour mon plaisir personnel et en freelance, j'espère un jour pouvoir vivre uniquement de mes revenus en freelance.
N'hésitez pas à me contacter pour de plus amples informations :

Voici une sélection de mes travaux des 3 dernières années.

Hi again !
This blog is made for showing to you my works as an illustrator, painter and graphic designer day by day, whether it's WIP or Finished work.For now, i'm working as an intern graphic designer at, based in Clermont-Ferrand, France until the end of septembre, 2012. Meanwhile i'm still working and creating personnal artworks and freelance artworks, hoping one day i could do this full time for a living.
Feel free to contact me for more informations if you want :

Here's a little selection of my most recent artworks

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Hello guys !
sorry for not posting new message sooner, having to catch up my video games haha !
i haven't play for a LONG time so ^^
Anyway, just wanted to share with you the final character i did for my school project Clans Of Dominance, it's a mix of alien/insect/Cho'gath for those of you who may know this character from League of Legends.
It has been hard to work this type of character, it's actually the first time i draw a creature and not a human :)

It's the final artwork, i spent around 10h on it !

Hope u like it :)



Friday, February 17, 2012

Map Texturing

Hello !
Finally I did it !!
this is what i have been working on for the past 3 days, it took me around 20 hours to do all the texturing of this 3D model which is now being used on our school project Clans Of Dominance.

I did all the ground/wall texture (not the objects/plants) and it was really hard but really fun to do also :)

Here's some screenshots of the map !

This was developed under Unity and texturize with Photoshop
Our 13 members team worked for 4 months on this project ! :)
I'm really happy i was a part of it

Thanks for reading
See you soon ^^


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Some Sketches !

Hi :)

Since i don't have the time to draw yet, i'm going to keep showing to you my sketches and work in progress.
For now, i'm still on the Clans Of Dominance project, i'm working on the map texturing, it's really long but it's also very cool to do !

But, anyways, i told you i will  update this blog everytime i can, so here it is !
Some girls sketches because that's all i have for now lol, but i'm thinking working on some guys, i just don't know what situation already ...

Hope u like them :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Hi again :)

I don't know if anyone is reading but, let's pretend they do haha
I really want to update this blog day to day or at least every week.
I'm not doing any personnal artworks for now, i'm working on a school project called Clans Of Dominance which is a MOBA game like League Of  Legends
I'm the lead 2D graphic designer for this project, i did the characters concept art and artworks, i also did the textures for the 3D models, this is hard but it's also very interesting and i'm improving a lot on a lot of things, it's a really complex project but i'm pretty happy i was a part of it.

Here's some of the work i did for this project

 I also did the graphic chart, some map texturing and game design, this project will be presented at the game festival of Cannes, France this week :)

Please Follow us of Facebook Clans Of Dominance

I will upload more sketches soon !

Thanks for reading ^^


Sunday, February 12, 2012


Hi !

I'm still in school for a month so i have no time to work on personnal projects .... i have plenty of artworks on the go, some of them are almost old to me, like i started them 1 year ago ... i seriously need to finish them and think about my futures artworks, i want to change what i do, i want to improve on a more "serious" road, stop drawing pretty girls and colorful artworks...
Yes i like them, but I'm getting bored also, because that's what i do for like 7 years now, it's time for a change !
But before that, i want to complete all my projects and close this chapter of my Art Life.
It doesn't mean i will stop to draw girls or colorful drawings, it's a part of me, it's just mean i need to do something else.

But before that there will be lot of drawings haha !
Here's one of the latest, called Rosalia, it's also a character i'm working on as a 3D model that you can see on my facebook page

I don't know if i will finish this one, it don't know the purpose of this ... i should make something of my characters, a story ? a novel ? a manga ? an artbook ? you know, something ! because a drawing is just a drawing .... sharing it is nice, but i think i need to do something more with them...

Anyways, before thinking about the purpose of my art, i need to finish school haha !
So Hope u like this post, it's not boring ?

Feel free to comment :)

Love u

Hello !
Welcome to my Art Blog, i started a lot of blog and never took care of them but this one is the one !
I will upload my artworks everytime i have a new one, or sketches or anything related to my art and my life.

Hope to read ur comments :)

Follow me on Facebook and Youtube